Inspire & Ignite
Event Schedule
9:30 am: Registration, Coffee, Networking
10:00 am: Welcome & Opening Remarks
10:10 am: Cultivating Connection: Igniting Leadership Through Authentic Networking​
11:15 am: Breakout Sessions
In the Business World - from corporate fashion to my own busines
Nurturing an Online Network
Breaking Barriers as a Wilderness Education Entrepreneur
12:00 pm: Lunch
1:00 pm: Keynote Speaker: Devan Robinson "The Power of Thoughts"
2:00 pm: Recognition Awards
2:30 pm: Breakout Sessions
Understanding Unconscious Bias and Nurturing Civility
Leading a Business with Empathy
Adirondack/Style: Clothing & Cosmetics for Fit, Personality, Role and Weather
3:30 pm: Guided Activities
Practical & Empowering Women's Self Defense Workshop
Intro to Slow Birding
Yoga with Jill
Come Back to Your Senses
Rythym of Life
Moving past the fear of success and failure
4:30 pm: Closing Remarks & Door Prizes!